A year ago, I had decided to move to London and study. I had no relatives or friends there or anyone else that I would know. Because of my introvert character I am not the kind of person that can make friendships very fast and I didn’t even look for that. Not that I didn’t want friends but it wasn’t my priority at that moment, I had so much studying to do and it would be a waste of time thinking on how to make friends with people, something I disappoint myself in every time. City life is a busy life and it is very easy to get lost in the crowd and feel so lonely, even with so many people around. I was stepping each day further into isolation, being trapped in my room’s four walls and loneliness. Many people have had the same or a similar story to me. It’s not difficult to find yourself in solitude when living in a big city with no friends around.
Loneliness is feeling like you are a drop of water in the ocean, a spot in the crowd. It is the lack of contact with people and in advance the lack of friendship, understanding, compassion or even identification. A lonely person feels like is not wanted or maybe that is not recognized. When being in such a situation for long it might possibly have consequences on your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that chronic loneliness may be responsible for a variety of heart diseases or cancer. It can also impact your learning or memory because it is harder for the brain to develop when you have no contact with other people.
In addition, if you are in such a situation where you are all alone having no relationships with other people and living in your inner world rather the real world, then depression is probably knocking on your door. Depression is a state of low mood accompanied by low self-esteem and loss of interest or pleasure for things that used to be enjoyable. It leads to negative way of thinking, not being able to sleep and anxiety. It might sometimes lead into the feeling that you are of no value or that there is no reason to live and lead to suicide.
Once you realize your problem you are in a very good way. It is said that knowing your situation is the 90% of its solution. It is essential to change your way of thinking and think positively, look at the things that can make you happy rather the negative things and think of ways you can make someone happy, even if that is just opening the door for someone. Further more physical exercise can be very helpful in making you feel better and positive. Go for a walk early in the morning or late in the afternoon when its dawn or when it’s sunset and enjoy the benefits of a good walk and you never know, you might meet a positive person going for a walk as well.
Human nature is created in such a way that we have the need to contact and have relationships with other people. Friendships constituted to the happiness and well-being of an individual. We are designed to interact, bond with other people and socialize. It is essential for human beings to communicate with other human beings to survive. People feel like they are not valuable when they don’t have anybody else to give attention to them and they feel like they don’t exist if there is nobody else to recognize them and care for them.
Connections are of great importance in life. Real connections with people that care and are always there for you can make you happy, healthy and complete. Don’t let yourself get lost in the crowd. Always look for a person to connect with. Remember you are not the only one that needs a friend, maybe you are the person someone else is looking for as well. Be positive and in good spirits. Life has it’s ups and downs. The problem is when you stay down too long.